HugeServer Knowledgebase

How to install Redis 3.2 on Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16

What is Redis?

Redis is a flexible open-source, key value data store, used as a database, cache and message broker. Redis allows the user to store vast amounts of data without the limits of a relational database.
In order to achieve its outstanding performance, Redis works with an in-memory dataset. Depending on your use case, you can persist it either by dumping the dataset to disk every once in a while, or by appending each command to a log. Persistence can be optionally disabled, if you just need a feature-rich, networked, in-memory cache.

We are assuming that you have root permission, otherwise, you may start commands with “sudo”.

Install Redis 3.2 on Ubuntu

It’s very easy to install Redis 3 on Ubuntu 16, just need to add PPA repository to your OS:

add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/redis-server

Now you have to update your repositories list and install Redis:

apt-get update
apt-get install redis-server

You can see your Redis version by typing:

redis-server --version

Start and check your Redis server status with the following commands:

systemctl start redis-server
systemctl status redis-server.service

For testing your Redis server you can follow the instruction below:

> set test "HugeServer"
> get test

The answer should be “HugeServer”

Install Redis 3.2 on Debian 8

For installing Redis 3.2 you have to add Dotdeb repository to your OS:
You  should open your repository list with a text editor, we are going to use “Nano”

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following two lines at the end of your file:

deb jessie all
deb-src jessie all

Now you have to fetch and install GnuPG key:

apt-key add dotdeb.gpg

Update your repository list and install Redis server:

apt-get update
apt-get install redis-server

Check your Redis Version:

redis-server --version

Start and check your Redis service status:

systemctl start redis-server
systemctl status redis-server

You can test your Redis service with the instruction below:

> set test "HugeServer"
> get test

The answer should be “HugeServer”

If you need a control panel for your Redis Server you may use Phpredmin or Redmon.

You can find out more about Redis on its official website!

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