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How to install and use vnStat and vnStati on CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu


vnStat is a command line network bandwidth monitoring utility which counts bandwidth (transmit and received) on network devices and keeps the data in its own database. One of the interesting things about vnStat is persisting the monitoring through reboots. vnStat is able to monitor multiple interfaces at the same time and get you several output methods.

We are assuming that you have root permission, otherwise, you may start commands with “sudo”.

Install vnStat

For CentOS users:

For installing vnStat on CentOS you have to add “epel” repository first:

yum install epel-release

Then you can install vnStat via “yum”

yum install vnstat

For Ubuntu and Debian:

apt-get install vnstat

Using vnStat

vnStat maintains it’s own database to keep all of your network information. to create a new database for your network interface run the following command. (make sure to replace your network interface name with the example, if you don’t know your interface name execute “ifconfig”).

run the following command to force vnStat to create a database for your network interface:

vnstat -u -i eth0

To see all network  interfaces available in your system, use the following command:

vnstat --iflist

If you want to start the vnStat as a daemon service, execute:

/etc/init.d/vnstat start

The most basic usage of vnStat is to simply run:


vnstat command line interface

This gives a month wise summary of total network traffic from all active interfaces.

If you want to see this information for a specific interface you can use “-i” flag.

vnstat -i eth0

We also can view hourly information in the form of a console-based graph for the last 24 hours:

vnstat -h -i eth0

Using “-m” flag will show you the monthly statics:

vnstat -m -i eth0

Live bandwidth usage can be monitored by using the “-l” command and top 10 days with the highest traffic can be monitored with the “-t” option. The commands for doing that are:

vnstat -l -i eth0
vnstat -t -i eth0

Using vnStati

vnStati is used to produce graphical output for vnStat results, it creates images that representing the network traffic as graphs. it takes the required information to create graphs from vnStat and stores it in the specified location.

To take the output of a specific interface, we can use the “-s” flag. we will also be using “-o” flag to specify where the output file will be stored. (we name our output file eth0.png you may want to change it to anything you want):

vnstati -s -i eth0 -o ~/eth0.png

We can use the “-h” flag to get the hourly output from vnStati, it’s just like vnStat:

vnstati -h -i eth0 -o ~/hourly_eth0.png

An example of the graphical output:

vnStati graphical output

It is possible to get the total information by combining the traffic of multiple interfaces. for example, we can get both eth1 and eth0 records in a single file so we can compare them, you can do this with the command below:

vnstati -s -i eth0+eth1 -o ~/combined.png

Check out Vnstat on its official Github for more information!

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