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How to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache on CentOS


As it’s clear, both Nginx and Apache are powerful web servers. Apache’s power and Nginx’s speed are well known, However, both of them do have drawbacks. Apache is hard on server’s memory while Nginx can’t process PHP on its own and needs the help of the PHP-FPM or similar modules for dynamic content.
In this tutorial, we are going to combine the two web servers to get the best result of each other, We are going to set Nginx as our static content processor and Apache to processing the back end and dynamic content.

We are assuming that you have root permission, otherwise, you may start commands with “sudo”.

Install and Configure Nginx

Run an update on your repositories list first:

yum update -y

Now install Epel repository easily with:

yum install epel-release -y

Then install nginx using the command below:

yum install nginx -y

Enable and start Nginx service:

systemctl enable nginx

systemctl start nginx

Configure Nginx

Create a config file with the following command:

nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

Paste the following configuration in your file then save and exit:

server {
        listen   80; 

        root /usr/share/nginx/html/; 
        index index.php index.html index.htm;

        server_name _; 

        location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

        location ~ \.php$ {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;


         location ~ /\.ht {
                deny all;

Install and Configure Apache

If you have Apache already installed you can skip this section.

install Apache web server with the command below:

yum install httpd

Start and enable the httpd service:

systemctl enable httpd

systemctl start httpd

Configure Apache

We need to configure the Apache to take the backend part of the job, for that cause we need to configure the Apache to listen on port 8080:

nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Find the line that starts with “listen” remove it and paste the following lines instead:


Then find the line that starts with “DocumentRoot” and modify it like below:

DocumentRoot "/usr/share/nginx/html/"                                          

The “DocumentRoot” should be the same on both Nginx and Apache, If you have VirtualHost(s) configured, it should be configured on both of them.

Save and Exit.

Install PHP5

You can install PHP5 easily with the command below:

yum install php

Testing your PHP

In this section we are going to test if our PHP is functioning properly and more importantly if it’s processed by the Apache Handler:

create a PHP file in your document root using the following command:

nano /usr/share/nginx/html/info.php

Paste the following code in it then save and exit:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Now you can open your browser and enter your Domain or your Public IP address, you should see the following page:

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14 thoughts on “How to configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache on CentOS”

    1. Hi Mehdi,

      First of all, check if your Web servers are up:

      systemctl status httpd
      systemctl status nginx

      If everything was OK then execute the following command to check if your Port 80 is listening:

      netstat -ln | grep 80

      For making sure that you don’t have any Firewall or network connectivity problem see the result of the following command:

      curl localhost

  1. This part is confusing, could you elaborate?

    Configure Nginx

    Create a text file in your “sites-available” path with the command below:

    nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

    1. Hi,

      That part refers to creating a config (web-server main configuration) file in the proper directory.

      Thanks for the heads up.

    1. Hi Emad,

      Regarding your problem, execute the following command to check if your PHP module is loaded on Apache:

      # apachectl -M | grep php

      you should get the following output:

      php5_module (shared)


  2. Thanks for the tutorial. I think I’m close to getting this configuration working.
    However, on last step, when I open browser to my Domain, I see the default nginx static web page, index.html instead of the php info from the info.php file. I tried directing browser to the info.php file directory, but file is downloaded not executed. The PHP module is loaded on Apache (returns php5_module (shared)). Any ideas? Thanks!

  3. Hi Amir,

    I followed all the steps. However, I can not access the info.php file. This is the error message I am getting:
    You don’t have permission to access /info.php on this server.
    Would you maybe assist me on how to solve. Both nginx and httpd services are running with no issues.

    1. This is the error message in apache errror log:

      [Sat Apr 20 06:29:25.383642 2019] [authz_core:error] [pid 13253] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/nginx/html/info.php

      1. I seem to have solved the issue, however, I am not sure what security implications on changes I have done.
        This is what I changed:

        # Relax access to content within /var/www. SO. I change from .
        # /var/www to in Directory line

        and changes on this line here.
        # Further relax access to the default document root:

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